Advent KALendar Day 8

On December 8, 2015, in Advent KALendar, KAL, lace, shawl, by Anna

The Advent KALendar knit along is going very well.  We have lots of active participants in the Knit & Knag Designs group on Ravelry.Day8

It’s also really fun to see the shawl knit up in a number of different colour combinations and yarns. Here are a few different ones, knit by suzieville, CaroKinkead, tanasay, Istenno and bratsche51 – to showcase a few different yarn choices. I think they all look absolutely wonderful.

We’re 1/4 of the way through the Advent KALendar, and with the small daily clues it’s totally possible to still catch up if anyone else wants to join us.


Advent KALendar Day 1

On December 1, 2015, in Advent KALendar, KAL, shawl, by Anna


The Advent KALendar is underway.  Here is the knitting for day 1.  Already looking forward to tomorrow.  There are lots of pretty shawls to be found in the Knit & Knag Designs Group on Ravelry, as well as on Instagram, with the hashtag #adventkalender

Signups are still open.