Knitter’s Marketplace

On November 1, 2011, in Chandoba, Shaping Shawls, by Anna

Last week, I participated in the Lanark County Knitter’s Guild Knitter’s Marketplace (whew, what a mouthful).  It took place at a golf club, and there were 10 vendors there displaying our wares.  I had a table to show all the shawls from the book, and of course the Shaping Shawls book itself.

In addition, I also brought the Chandoba pattern.  I simply must get some better pictures of that shawl, since the pattern sells much better at events than online.

Anyhow, it was a most pleasant evening.  Other vendors included Natalie Servant

and Kelly from Just Knitting

….and several others, but those may have been all the pictures I took.

It was a lovely evening and I had a chance to chat with a fair number of people.  And I even made some progress on one of my new shawls.